The Riley Rocks Memorial Foundation
Supporting children and families affected by pediatric cancer

Our Mission
The Riley Rocks Memorial Foundation grants children and families affected by pediatric cancer with financial support for basic needs and medical expenses, supports pediatric cancer-focused research efforts, and works to educate and raise awareness within the community.
Learn more about childhood cancer here.
How Your Donation makes a difference
Helps families in need of support
Engages the community TO COME TOGETHER
Funds childhood cancer research
Raises awareness of childhood cancer

Ava and her family have raised over $200k in support for foundations that have affected their family. She is a spunky, energetic and excited little girl who spends much of her time giving back after her diagnosis. Ava was diagnosed in March of 2023 with ALL and she is finishing treatment in the Spring of 2025!

Harper is a talented dancer who is smart, funny, and super stylish. She likes clothes and make-up, loves dance, competing, and hanging out with friends. When she grows up, Harper wants to be a professional dancer, which, with her competitive nature, she will definitely accomplish. Harper was the foundation’s first-ever Rockstar in 2020. Harper has been in remission for almost since 2020!

Auden is the brightest light whose smile is absoutely contagious. She has a calming and kind presence and works to bring joy to those around her always. She was diagnosed when she was a freshman in college. She has now been in remission for two and a half years, she is in school studying art therapy, and volunteering for Riley Rocks to advocate for other childhood cancer warriors.